I was more than a little curious why our Neighborhood PSF page has Sun Valley listed as the highest Per Square Foot price of all the Denver neighborhoods.
Chart data as of September 6th, 2014. View the full list of Neighborhoods here.
Usually the top 5 neighborhoods on our Neighborhood PSF chart include Riverfront Park, The Theatre District, Central Downtown, LoHi, etc. Sun Valley has often been a great value because most people don’t know about all the plans for this neighborhood to be developed. Even fewer know that the views from this little neighborhood of Downtown may be the best in the entire city and the angle of the skyline is one photographers often pick as their favorite, or that the river trail system is right next door, as is easy access to Downtown, or the soon to be developed Stadium District (Yes, we gave it that name and you can view it here).
Our Neighborhood PSF is a simple calculation that averages all the per square foot prices for each of our neighborhoods. What is not so simple is how detailed our neighborhoods are mapped, allowing you to see information about specific areas and locals favorites.
So why is Sun Valley the top of the list? Because this sale is for a house that sits on 6 available sites (according to their description) and allows for development up to 8 stories. Lots in Sun Valley are disappearing quickly as Developers look to take advantage of what may be the next LoHi or Riverfront Park.
Someone clearly has a vision for what these 6 sites could be, and it appears that vision is an eight story tower.
Is the vision for Sun Valley to be a new Riverfront Park style destination of residential towers and mixed use restaurants along the bike path and creek? If you check out the development plan for the Decatur Federal area it just might be the future. Sun Valley, remember this neighborhood name, and let’s watch as Denver continues to grow.
View this listing in Sun Valley Here.
Contact us to learn more about this exciting and growing neighborhood in Denver.
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